The problem with most people is that their wealth is 'too near'. You need to develop an open mind to spot the obvious. This will never happen if you are continually speeding off to the next opportunity.

There was once a man, Al Hafed, who lived on the banks of the River Indus who had a nice farm with orchards and gardens, excess cash, a beautiful wife and children. He was ’wealthy’ because he was contented. Then an old priest visited him and one night related how the world was made, including the formation of all the rocks, the earth, the precious metals and stones. He told the farmer that if he had a few diamonds he could have not just one farm, but many. The farmer listened. Suddenly, he wasn't that happy with what he had thus far acquired in life.

He sold up and went travelling in search of diamonds, across Persia, Palestine and into Europe. A couple of years later, the money he had was gone, and he was wandering around in rags. When a large wave came in from the sea, he was happily swept under by it.

Meanwhile, the man who had bought the farmer's land was another story. One day, while watering his animals in the stream that ran through the property, he noticed a glint in the watery sands. It was a diamond; the land was full of diamonds. In fact, it was one of the richest diamond finds in history; The mines of Golconda would yield not just one or two but Acres of diamonds.

Open your mind
In this tiny book: Acres of Diamonds, which is actually a transcript of a hugely popular lecture that he gave, Dr. Russell H. Conwell relates similar true life stories about the folly of going off to find your fortune when it is in your own backyard or just staring you in the face. He suggests that most people are 'pygmies of their possible selves', because they are not willing to accept, or it did not occur to them, that they have great untouched powers: "Families do not credit their own folks with abilities they attribute to other persons. Towns and cities are cursed because their own people talk them down", he says.

Dr. Conwell's message is that we shouldn't fall for the trap of thinking that all the great people and the great businesses are somewhere else. Consider that Henry Ford started designing and building his car on his own farm and built the famous Ford production line factories in the same area where he had grown up. There was nothing special about Dearborn, Michigan - he made it special, without ever leaving his own backyard. Warren Buffett, the great investor, decided against moving his family to Wall Street. He stayed in Omaha, Nebraska and made his billions there.

Open your mind and discover true service
Dr. Conwell's other theme is that great service is basic to prosperity. He tells of the financier John Jacob Astor the elder, who had to suddenly go into partnership in a millinery store because the owners could not keep up mortgage payments. What did he do to get this business on its feet? He would go into the park and quietly watch the women strolling along, particularly the most confident and elegant, and take careful note of the hats they were sporting. Back in the store, he had these hats copied exactly. The result was that the store never made a hat or bonnet that a lady didn't like, and it boomed. Left behind was the idea that 'we make hats and try to sell them', to be replaced by 'what women want, we sell'.

From such basic service erupts great success, in this case a store that even in the 19th century made seventeen million dollars. You may think you have already considered it, but ask again: what do people want?

The problem with most people, Dr. Conwell says, is that their wealth is 'too near'. You need to develop an open mind to spot the obvious. This will never happen if you are continually speeding off to the next opportunity, looking for a greener pasture. Genuine service is simple, but it may only occur to you what this is when your mind has been quieted. Without finding some quiet time to yourself you will not be able to see the wood for the trees. Leave time for meditation and contemplation, and answers will come.

Another way to start is by thinking about what you need. Chances are, if you need something, others will too. The woman who invented the snap button, first used in gloves, made her fortune this way. Dr. Conwell further emphasizes that "It is the open-mindedness to little things that brings human success." The greatest minds think in simple terms, and the greatest people, Dr. Conwell says, are always straightforward.

You cannot succeed if you have no interest in people and their needs. In Dr. Conwell's words, you must make yourself necessary to the world. What all great people have in common is that they make themselves a 'medium' for good, they make the best goods and provide them to the largest number. This, not taking money at a till, is service.

Two main lessons
Acres of Diamonds might seem from another era, but Dr. Conwell was one of the original American motivational speakers and his talk can still inspire. It costs next to nothing to buy, can be read in about half an hour, and every so often you may like to be reminded of its two lessons:

There's no need to look beyond yourself and your immediate circumstances to find the seeds of your fortune. Service is the key to success. Don't just sell things. Find out what people really want. This requires greater than normal thought and observation. Are you open –minded?

This is a review from the book “Acres of Diamonds” by Dr. Russell H. Conwell.

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